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Product Design, UI/UX

12 weeks

Adobe Illustrator
Google Slides

Michael Huh
Alisa Vasilevich
Samuel Oh
Niruban Modendran


Entering a field with little to no work experience can be an intimidating task, particularly for freelance creatives. Koalafied aims to reduce these barriers by connecting these qualified users with collaborators and potential clients by creating a platform for them to showcase their work to an audience in search for talent. Interactions through the app will be conducted in a way that is trustworthy, reliable, and accommodating of both parties’ time and needs.

Key Features
○ Connect with other professionals in the industry
○ Price and market yourself accordingly with other artists
○ Showcase your talents and build an online presence within your region
○ Earn money doing what you love

Reference the User Testing Tasks.

The Problem

The job market has become extremely competitive with 53% of the Gen Z population and 43% of Millennials opting to freelance full-time, and this number is only continuing to grow. In combination of a saturated market and freelancing becoming more common, emerging artists are finding it more difficult to market their skills to possible employers.

The Solution

By combining elements of a social media, portfolio, and hiring application, we created an app that would provide a platform for creatives in all sectors to showcase their talents for economic profit.

PACT Analysis


Target audience - creative professionals who are looking to make a name for themselves and showcase their work to possible clients. As well as clients searching for talent.

Users will be able to connect and message with other creative professionals and refer them to others in the future. They can also customize their job postings and portfolios.

Clients in search of freelancers will likely be browsing in professional settings during paid time, while freelancers using the app may be using it casually at home.

The main technologies provided in this app will be messaging, password protected logging in and logging out, location services and camera access. As well as secure payment methods.


System Map


Final Screens

View our full document here!